Thursday, September 28, 2017

A Sampler Project!

Hi Everyone!

Just completed another project! This one is a sampler of sorts.  I love small detailed work, so I decided to put together a bunch of "smalls" and see what I came up with!  And here are the results!

I fastened all the little smalls on an old (but clean!) placemat I've had for ages. I LOVE it when I can use something that I've had for awhile!  The next thing is to decide if I want to hang it from a ribbon just as is, or if I want to frame it.  I'll probably go with framing because it keeps the dust off, etc., and preserves it.  

Now I have to get started on decorating the house for Halloween!!  When I was going through some of the decorations, I pulled out this little gem:

I made this little Trick or Treat bag for Isabel when she was just a little tyke; she just had her 15th birthday this week if that tells you anything!  She was dressed up as a black cat, so naturally I had to come up with an appropriate bag for her to carry! I got the idea from a magazine; can't remember which one now.  It's all done in different colors of felt; just cut out shapes stitched onto a black piece of felt in the shape of a cat's head. And the nice thing about it is that the stitches are large and should be easily seen, as opposed to tiny and hidden!  Much easier to work with!!

Every time I look at it, I'm reminded of how sweet she looked - a little, red haired black cat!!  I've thought over the years I might do more of these, in the shape of pumpkins, mummies, ghosts, and perhaps other types of animal heads, and sell them in my online shop.  Not sure if I'll ever do it, but it's fun to dream!!

Hope everyone is having a lovely day!  May God Bless!


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